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Orders placed online will be prepaid unless credit terms are established.   VISA® and MasterCard® are accepted also prepaid check by phone. To establish credit terms or prepay with check by phone. Please contact customer service 1-800-527-0871. 


New customers requesting credit terms are required to complete a Customer Information Sheet (CIS) and require credit investigation and approval before order release. We require a written purchase order (or valid purchase order number, subject to verification if ordering via the Internet). 


We may require that you prepay for custom orders. Orders received from outside the United States require prepayment before shipment.  Customers agree to pay invoices within set terms. It is understood and agreed that payment in full is due upon receipt of the merchandise. Past due balances will be charged interest at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per annum, or the highest rate permitted by applicable law, whichever is lower. Customers also agree to pay all fees, including attorney fees, incurred by us to collect past-due invoices.